BEHIND THESE WALLS, by Christopher Teale, Fell.
A revealing and heartwarming tale of homosexuality in a big prison.
THE IMMORTAL, by Walter Ross, Simon & Schuster.
A competent, swiftly moving, shock-value packed, well-spiced first novel about the disturbed adventures with "bedfellows of both sexes" of Johnny Preston whose personality one has little trouble connecting with the late screen star, James Dean.
THE WHITE PAPER, by anon., Macaulay...
This is a small but exciting book-a smooth, frank confession of homosexuality, published first in 1922 in French, and now generally conceded to have been by Cocteau.
THE KING MUST DIE, by Mary Renault, Pantheon....
The author of The Charioteer and Lust of the Wine now recreates the Theseus legend in dramatic action-filled technicolor. Spiced with homosexual scenes.
THE SERGEANT, by Dennis Murphy, Viking.
Well-paced, skillful story of the seduction of a handsome young G.I. by his sergeantup to the drinking buddy stage. Poor ending.
THE MOON VOW, by Dr. Hazel Lin, Pageant...
Why won't Mei Li go to bed with her husband? Dr. Wu finally gets a clue when she takes several gold balls out of another patient . . . Lesbians, that's it! Tedious, sometimes realistic, often ghastly.
DERRICKS, by James Barr, Pan Books.
A reprint of the original collection of short stories on the theme of sexual inversion. It has been nearly impossible to get until this printing.
SEX WITHOUT GUILT, by Albert Ellis, Ph.D., Lyle Stuart.
While arguing for more sex freedom, Dr. Ellis still says homosexuals are neurotic unless they vary their sex-outlets.
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